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Hello! Thanks for checking out the hippest new podcast about everything music and/or Chicago. I’m just launching Season 2 after an overly long hiatus. My site navigation is a bit of a mystery still, but if you click the Musician icon just below this. It seems to get you to the right neighborhood.
Click on Shawn’s Photos to see more photos pertaining to each episode of the podcast. There is a gallery specifically dedicated to the Chicago Musician podcast. There is a link at the top of my sksyphotos.smugmug page to bring you back to this site. (If you like photos, feel free to explore. I have a crazy amount of pictures posted from all parts of my life. Travel. Baking. Gardens. Photography. Music. Dig around a little!)
Thanks for listening! (and looking!)
Congratulations on your podcast. l loved hearing your interview with Renee. I can’t decide who is more charming, you or Rene! I have a photo of you Tom Mendel and Hank from Broadway Bubbies. But I don’t have your email address to send it to you.
I hope you’ll play something on future podcasts.